Top 8 Autoimmune Diseases Every Woman Should Know About

The American Autoimmune Related Diseases Association (AARDA)Have you ever noticed that you know a lot more women suffering from an autoimmune disease than men? The American Autoimmune Related Diseases Association (AARDA) reported that 75 percent of Americans with autoimmune diseases are women. I know what you are thinking, that statistic is alarmingly frightening isn’t it?

Want to hear something even scarier? Autoimmune diseases accounted for more than $100 billion in direct health care costs every year. One of the biggest reasons for this high health care costs is the exhausting effort it takes to actually come up with a diagnosis. It on average takes 4.6 years to diagnose an autoimmune disease and most patients see about 5 doctors in pursuit of a diagnosis.

Us as women, need to become more versed with the knowledge of signs and factors of autoimmune related diseases. Especially since during my research related to autoimmune diseases, many of the different varieties of autoimmune disorders, distinctly say that women are at a greater risk of developing these types of diseases. The real question is, however, why are we at an increased risk of acquiring these diseases?

Functions Behind An Autoimmune Disease

First I will digress, and explain the basic functions of an autoimmune disease so you can have a better grasp of the severity of these diseases. Normally your immune system is there to protect your body from harmful, dangerous things that enter such as viruses or bacteria. However, autoimmune diseases basically have a hard time distinguishing between potential threats and your bodies organs and tissues. Thus, your immune system starts to attack vital organs and tissues in your body. So yeah, it can be very serious and dangerous to your health, to say the least!

Why Are Women More Susceptible to Developing an Autoimmune Disease?Why Are Women More Susceptible to Developing an Autoimmune Disease?

After reading about what an autoimmune disease is I’m sure you now are curious as to why women have the increased probability of developing these diseases. Why do us as women get the pleasure of possibly suffering from such a debilitating disease? We are gonna dive deeper into the “why’s” of the increased development of autoimmune diseases in the female gender.

Genetic Susceptibility

Interesting enough, our chromosomes could possibly play a role when further research was conducted on autoimmune diseases. Some scientists have offered that women, who have two X chromosomes rather than an X and Y chromosomes like men, are more susceptible to certain Autoimmune diseases.

Immunity Differences Between Genders

No big surprise, but scientists believe that women are at an increased risk of acquiring an autoimmune disease because women’s immune systems tend to be more sophisticated than men’s. This elaborate immune system, us females have makes us have stronger inflammatory responses when our immune systems are triggered. If you didn’t know, one of the biggest key players in autoimmune diseases is inflammation, so this increase in inflammatory responses could be contributing to the progression of women with this disease.

Sex HormonesSex Hormones

I’m sure you as a woman have been called hormonal a time or two, I know I have! Well, hormonal differences between men and women might be a contributing factor of these diseases. Researchers have seen a flare up when examining autoimmune diseases and female hormonal fluctuations such as pregnancy, menstrual cycle, and oral contraception.

Top 8 Autoimmune Diseases

All of the factors that contribute to the increase in the rise of women developing autoimmune diseases, unfortunately, cannot be avoided. With that being said it is now critical to understand the top autoimmune diseases women develop and the signs to each of these diseases.

Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatoid Arthritis is an autoimmune disease that affects the joints. Your immune system starts to attack the lining of the joints, which causes the joints to become inflamed, swollen, and cause a great deal of pain. According to the Arthritis Foundation, about 1.5 million Americans suffer from Rheumatoid Arthritis, and there are three times as women than men affected by the disease.


Diabetes is a leading cause of death among middle-aged American women. Although there are two types of diabetes, only one is associated with autoimmune disease. Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune disease that occurs when the body’s system for fighting infections turns against a part of the body. Specifically, in diabetes, the immune system attacks the insulin-producing beta cells in the pancreas and destroys them.

Leaky Gut

“All disease starts in the gut”, according to the father of Modern Medicine, Hippocrates. Based on that statement, Leaky Gut is an autoimmune disease that should be paid close attention to by women and doctors. Leaky gut is a newly emerging disease that many of us may have never heard of and takes a long long time to be diagnosed by doctors. Leaky gut is when your intestines lose the ability to filter nutrients and other substances. When this occurs, particles of undigested foods, bacteria, and other waste leaks through the intestines into the bloodstream. Tell tale signs of leaky gut are food sensitivities, inflammatory bowel disease, and thyroid problems.

Multiple Sclerosis

Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is an autoimmune disease, where your immune system attacks the myelin coating that protects nerve fibers. This leads to a disturbance in the communication between your brain and the rest of your body. MS affects women more often than men. Women are primarily diagnosed with MS between the ages of 20 and 40 and signs can vary from tingling & tremors to dizziness & slurred speech.


Lupus is a chronic inflammatory disease that occurs when your body’s immune system attacks your own tissues and organs. Inflammation caused by lupus can affect many different body systems – including your joints, skin, kidneys, blood cells, heart & lungs. An alarming statistic regarding lupus is that nine out of ten people with lupus are women and women of color are two to three times more likely to develop it than Caucasians. Symptoms of lupus can include tiredness, headaches, painful joints, and swelling.

Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis

Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis occurs when the immune system attacks the thyroid, a butterfly-shaped gland in the center of your neck, which typically leads to a deficiency of thyroid hormones. Hashimoto’s affects 14 million Americans, making it the most common type of thyroid disorder that people suffer from. Symptoms of Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis include fatigue, weight gain, mood issues hormone imbalances, muscle and joint pain. Be sure to be vigilant about getting annual checkups to check on your thyroid to ensure you are healthy.


An estimated total of 7.5 million Americans has Psoriasis. This autoimmune disease is a skin condition that causes your skin cells to grow rapidly. Psoriasis is one of the few autoimmune disorders that are equally common in both women and men. The most prevalent type of Psoriasis is Plaque Psoriasis, which shows up as raised, red patches covered with a build up of dead skin cells. Try using moisturizers to manage the level of severity.

Sjogren's SyndromeSjogren’s Syndrome

Did you know that four million people have Sjogren’s Syndrome and the average age of onset is people in their late 40’s? Sjogren’s Syndrome is an autoimmune disease in which the immune system begins to attack the glands that make tears and saliva. This condition can lead to conditions such as dry eyes and dry mouth. This disease is much more common in women than men, and scientist believe the disease is caused by a combination of genes and exposure to a virus or bacteria, but they’re also investigating the possibility that the endocrine and nervous system play a role.

Air Quality and Autoimmune Diseases

Air pollution is becoming an increasing issue for many people, especially those with autoimmune diseases. An overwhelming amount of synthetic chemicals have been created – 80,000 chemicals to be specific- and they have been introduced into our environment causing severe health issues. Although genetics factors were believed to be the key factor in the development of autoimmune diseases, scientists have started to conclude otherwise. They have conducted research and now believe that environmental factors play a role due to the rapid increase in the number of people suffering from autoimmune diseases. Due to this increase, we need to be more thoughtful about our environment and protecting the air we breathe in every day.

A recent study conducted found that our indoor air such as in our homes or offices can be more toxic than outdoor air. With the creation of chemical filled products, our home’s air can be more dangerous than you even knew. Placing an air purifier in your home is vital to improving the overall air quality in your place of residence. Unfortunately, many air purifiers have the ability to filter the air but not protect your air long-term. When many air purifiers filter the air they aren’t able to destroy the chemicals, malodors, VOCs, and fragrances, which results in them being recycled back into the air. Well, the EnviroKlenz Mobile Air System isn’t like the many air purifiers on the market. EnviroKlenz has created an air purifier that not only traps the chemicals but destroys them so you don’t have to worry about your air being tainted once again. The EnviroKlenz Mobile Air System uses a certified HEPA filtration and our own patented EnviroKlenz Air Cartridge that removes & neutralizes the VOCs, malodors, and fragrances.

EnviroKlenz Mobile

$729.99 $649.99

The EnviroKlenz Mobile Air System is your solution to remove VOCs from your home or office both safely and effectively. The unit is portable and once the EnviroKlenz-Air® Cartridge (size 14”x14” included with purchase) is installed it will begin to remove and neutralize chemical odors, allergy triggers, and malodors in the air.

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Overall, autoimmune diseases can be very scary and dangerous to your health. Especially us women, due to to the increase in the development of us acquiring an autoimmune disease. Preparation is key, and information is knowledge because us girls need to stick together and create a united front against autoimmune diseases.Here What People

Here What People Are Saying About Us…

“I absolutely LOVE my Enviroklenz air purifier. I live in Los Angeles with very poor air quality. In my home I now have peace of mind that my indoor air quality is safe and relish coming home after breathing in toxic air when I’m out. Detox is the top priority in my home and my air purifier helps me to meet my health goals by preventing toxins from entering my body via the air.

Thank you Enviroklenz!”

“The best air purifier for lessening autoimmune symptoms is a unit that not only removes the larger particulates from the air with a HEPA filter, but one that also removes any chemical and toxic substances that might be floating in the environment as well. I’ve tried a few different purifier over the years, but the unit I am loving is my EnviroKlenz Mobile Air System.”


“I would recommend this product to those with allergies and sensitive skin.  I believe that this product does what it claims that it does. This product removes the order from all clothes that are washable and is a great product for the skin. I have not had any new eczema show up and a few of my spots have actually cleared up.  If you are looking for something to help with the order with your clothes, then this product is perfect for you.”

Pain Love Hope

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EnviroKlenz HVAC filter

$119.99 $99.00

EnviroKlenz HVAC filter destroys noxious chemicals and odors rather than just trapping particulates like other HVAC filter and Hepa Filters.

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Odor Neutralizer Granules attach themselves to the spilled materials and get to work instantly to effectively and safely remove the odors… even on the most absorbent fabrics and carpets.

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The EnviroKlenz Everyday Odor Eliminator was designed to safely and effectively remove odors and fragrances that are present in carpeting, solid surfaces, upholstery, and furniture.

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from Enviroklenz

Top 3 Causes of Poor Indoor Air Quality & What You Should Do About It

Many people may suffer from allergy-like symptoms that they’re unable to explain. They may experience a sore throat, itchy eyes, fatigue, and other symptoms. Poor indoor air quality may be to blame. Until recently, people who complained of such subjective overlooked symptoms, but scientists slowly recognize poor indoor air as a real health problem.

Symptoms Associated with Poor Indoor Air Quality

The Dangers of Exposure to Scented Air Fresheners and PluginsSymptoms of exposure to toxic air can present itself in many ways. They can include acute effects like watery eyes or a headache or can be long-term problems like chronic fatigue. In either case, it may not be immediately apparent that indoor pollutants cause the symptoms, and people may continue to suffer and point to other sources as the cause of their symptoms.

The main symptoms associated with poor indoor air are ear, eye, nose, or throat irritation, dry skin, rashes, headaches, unexplained sleepiness, coughing, respiratory problems, hoarseness, and nausea. Everyone’s bodies react to certain substances differently, so one person may have a severe reaction to poor indoor air, while another may notice few to no symptoms.

About Indoor Air Pollution

There’s often a lot of commotion about pollen, dander, or other sources of allergies that come from the outdoors. Pollen alerts are issued by weather stations to warn those with allergies to stay indoors. Many don’t know, however, that in most cases indoor air is much more hazardous to our health than outdoor air. Many homes, offices, stores, and other buildings contain a high level of volatile chemicals within their walls. From the carpet to the drywall to the paint, these building materials emit chemicals into the air that become more concentrated over time due to the closed in environment. Modern construction that is efficient at keeping outdoor air out can magnify this concentration even more.

Between 40 or more hour work weeks and spending our nights and weekends in our homes, the average American ends up spending over 90% of their time indoors. It’s no surprise that members of the same family or co-workers in the same building often experience illness at the same time. This problem could correlate to the periods in which indoor air pollution in the places they co-mingle is at its worst. With all this time spent indoors, many companies also take a hit when it comes to worker productivity if they’re not feeling well from being exposed to all these chemicals.

Poor indoor air quality comes from the chemicals present in building materials and furnishing, but can also arise from other factors. Regardless of the pollutants present, one of the biggest factors is the lack of ventilation in most buildings. In many homes and most businesses, windows or doors that they didn’t leave open often enough to allow clean air to circulate through and carry toxins out. The chemicals inside buildings often come from new products like new carpet or furniture that, when opened or installed, emits volatile organic compounds (VOC’s) into the air. Without ventilation, instead of dissipating those VOC’s become more concentrated and dangerous. Other sources of indoor pollution can come from similar types of chemicals given off during a production of goods, from office machinery, or from biological organisms or bacteria from humans that become airborne and trapped indoors. If a worker in a building or resident of a home feels significantly better when they leave the environment, then that’s a clear indicator that something’s wrong with the indoor air quality.

How to Find Out if Indoor Air Quality is a Problem

BreathesIf you’re a homeowner or business, it’s important to know whether or not your building poses a risk to those in it. It can be a liability risk to operate a business that unnecessarily exposes employees and customers to hazardous conditions. Likewise, no homeowner wants to expose their family to polluted air either. There are several ways you can gauge the quality of the air, so you can develop a plan of what to do in case action is necessary.

The best way to determine if there’s the problem, survey those who spend a lot of time in the building. In a home, if you and your family all have headaches, sore throats, or other chronic symptoms that may seem to be synchronized, it may be a good indication that something’s wrong with the air. Similarly, if a group of people who work together all are sick at the same time, the source of their illness is likely coming from the place where they spend time together. If surveying employees of the business, it’s a good idea to log any reported illness or symptoms formally. It also may be prudent to interview them multiple times to detect a trend or lack thereof in their symptoms.

The next thing to do is to examine and get to know the building’s ventilation and HVAC system. Businesses that produce goods and deal with a lot of manufacturing equipment may also have extensive exhaust systems. It’s important to find out what the ventilation rate it. Doctors recommend that at least five cubic air per minute, to circulate outdoor air throughout the building for every person inside. If you have access to the proper equipment, you can also measure the carbon dioxide levels indoors and directly outdoors over the span of a few days to detect, if there’s a significant difference between inside and outside. As a general rule, the air indoors shouldn’t contain more than 700ppm of carbon dioxide higher than the free level.

After checking out the ventilation system and whether or not there is enough circulated outdoor air throughout the building, you should check for other irritants such as mold and mildew. Mold can hide in damp, wet places, and can cause respiratory problems and allergy-like symptoms. Some people suffer for years from exposure to mold without realizing the source of the problem, until after they’ve spent a lot of money on unsuccessful medical treatment. Check for mold any place water may be present, such as in bathrooms, kitchens, or storage areas.

What You Can Do to Improve Air Quality

3.) Air Fresheners Poisoning Your Home's AirIf you have determined there’s a problem, you must now take the necessary steps to start mitigating the poor indoor air problem. As noted above, the first thing to do is to ensure proper ventilation. Many illnesses caused by poor indoor air can be alleviated or prevented, just by making sure fresh air has a chance to circulate through the building. Open windows and doors when possible. Check the exhaust system to make sure it’s working properly. Change filters in HVAC systems regularly. All of these steps can reduce the concentration of harmful VOC’s in the air. After taking these measures to improve ventilation, survey occupants and recheck carbon dioxide levels again to make sure the pollution level is going down.

What causes poor indoor air quality

You can make changes regarding what products are used inside the office or home, and what type and when remodeling occurs. If completing a massive remodeling project where paint, varnish, new carpet, or other chemical-laden materials will be installed, schedule the project when the least number of people will be present in the building.

After making sure to take these precautions, indoor air pollution may still linger. An optimal solution is to pair these measures with the use of high-quality air purification and filtration. Even with extra ventilation and care to use less toxic goods, indoor air pollution can remain. EnviroKlenz offers a line of products that are meant to combat indoor air pollution, whether it’s due to chemicals, pollen, dander, biological substances. The EnviroKlenz HVAC Filter for Chemical and VOC Removal is a HEPA filter that can be

The EnviroKlenz HVAC Filter for Chemical and VOC Removal is a  filter that can be used in a home’s or business existing HVAC system but is far more advanced than a standard HVAC filter which focuses on particulate removal. It uses a proprietary blend of earth mineral technology to not only trap these harmful chemical and malodors but more importantly destructive adsorbs them and breaks them down on a compound level.

For the most thorough air purification, we recommend the EnviroKlenz Mobile system. This product is a portable unit that can cover up to 1000 square feet. It utilizes two stage filtration with the EnviroKlenz patented VOC  cartridge which provides chemical odor neutralization. In addition to its odor neutralizing capabilities, the EnvioKlenz mobile comes equipped with a medical grade HEPA filter for particulate removal of up to .3 microns.

4-speed controls
Comes with EnviroKlenz Air Cartridge & HEPA filter
Height: 19: x Width: 15” x Depth: 15”
Net weight: 38 lbs (17.1 kg) – Shipment weight: approx. 45 lbs (20.5 kg)
Cord length: 5 feet (7.6 M)
Power: 115V / 60Hz / 1 amp
CFM Rating: 85, 150, 200 & 250
EnviroKlenz Mobile Air System, 250 CFM Type – 115V


EnviroKlenz Mobile

$729.99 $649.99

The EnviroKlenz Mobile Air System is your solution to remove VOCs from your home or office both safely and effectively. The unit is portable and once the EnviroKlenz-Air® Cartridge (size 14”x14” included with purchase) is installed it will begin to remove and neutralize chemical odors, allergy triggers, and malodors in the air.

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By being proactive and assessing the situation, you can catch indoor air problems, before they do even more damage to the health of those who are exposed. Combining measures like improving ventilation and exhaust systems with state of the art air filtration technology like EnviroKlenz, unnecessary illnesses and allergies you can prevent.

What People Are Saying About Us…..

“First I would like to say never judge a book by its cover. This unit isn’t as pretty as other I have owned in the past but boy does it outperform anything I have ever seen. I have debilitating MCS and this unit allows me to get some of the freedom that has been taken away from me in the past like inviting family and friends into my own and opening my windows on pretty days. I know that when it is on that my air is as clean as it can be.

Augusta TorentDecember 1, 2016


“We special ordered a machine, and I could tell within a few hours that it was working on that horrid chemical! I was beyond relieved! I now have two machines in the house and am feeling better. EnviroKlenz saved my house but, more importantly, it saved ME!”

Karen HarrisDecember 8, 2016


“We are loving the new EnviroKlenz pad filter material! I have MCS and we live in a clean-built Airstream. We are using the pad material in the vents of our trailer. Our neighbors use strongly scented laundry detergent that drifts into our home and that had prevented us from being able to open our vents all summer, but now with the filter material in place we are able to have our vents open without any car exhaust, smells from laundry or the dairy farm next door getting through. It’s a game changer!”

     Gerrard AshtonDecember 8, 2016

The EnviroKlenz Air purifier that I purchased arrived sooner than expected and I was pleasantly surprised about how well it was packaged too. Often air purifier comes in many pieces and I feel like I am putting together a puzzle but this system arrived ready to go and I had it up and running in less than 5 minutes. I noticed in a couple of hours how refreshed the air was and I began feeling way better as far as my health goes over time.

Dr. Washermans


We just moved into an apartment that was repainted and had new carpeting installed. Since we were pressed for time and money we place the unit three days before our move in date. We also had an EnviroKlenz HVAC filter as well. I was in tears (literally) when I got to the apartment as the smell of paint and carpet were about 98% gone. I had my neighbor and my husband friend go in to verify that I was not going crazy and that the smell was truly gone.

M. Sundermeyer – March 29, 2017


We had our small condo remediated for mold and after the job was done our contractor recommended that I invest in the EnviroKlenz unit to help with some of the smells that I was still reacting too. I have to say that this tiny little unit does quite the work as I thought that I would never be able to live in my condo again. My apartment stunk to high heavens before this air purifier made an appearance. Thank you once again to their amazing team who called me weeks after my purchase to see how I was doing.

J. Trotter – March 29, 2017


With the EnviroKlenz air purifier, you can remove allergens and VOCs from your air without emitting back any junk into my air. Carbon has had its time and I have owned nearly every carbon air purifier in existence. The issue that I was having was the constant replacement cost of carbons and it working on some odors and not on others. Now I can use my one little air purifier and not worry about odors hanging around.

Alice S.


We just moved into our dream condo on the 9th floor which we waited for 3 years to get. The problem was that the down stair tenants cook with a massive amount of spices that were entering our home. I had three blue- air purifiers runnings and nothing was helping with removing the curry and onion smells. I read a blog post on how to remove curry smell from EnviroKlenz. I took the chance since it had a 30-day money back guarantee and was floored with how much one unit could do against three other air purifiers. I can now enjoy my condo without the obtrusive cooking smells

Pamela. S – May 11, 2017


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Odor Neutralizer Granules attach themselves to the spilled materials and get to work instantly to effectively and safely remove the odors… even on the most absorbent fabrics and carpets.

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The EnviroKlenz Everyday Odor Eliminator was designed to safely and effectively remove odors and fragrances that are present in carpeting, solid surfaces, upholstery, and furniture.

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EnviroKlenz HVAC filter

$119.99 $99.00

EnviroKlenz HVAC filter destroys noxious chemicals and odors rather than just trapping particulates like other HVAC filter and Hepa Filters.

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EnviroKlenz Laundry is a safe and effective laundry enhancer that removes stubborn laundry odors such as musty & mildew smells, fragrances from detergents & fabric softeners, perfumes smell and scents, thrift store odors left on clothing by the previous owner.

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The EnviroKlenz Laundry Enhancer is the #1 trusted source for those with environmental illnesses and sensitivities to safely remove odors, fragrances, and perfumes from their clothing and linens.

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